PPC your ticket to bigger better leads & sales!

Red hot potentials are searching online in ‘buy mode’ clicking on ads and converting into sales. Are you competing in this space?

Explode your sales fast.

PPC (pay per click) campaigns are a great way to reach ‘ready to buy’ clients that are busy hunting the internet for the services and products you provide. These potential clients are RED HOT and ready to buy. If PPC platforms are not part of your online marketing strategy then you are missing out on competing for these clients.

Focused on profits.

Have you run Google Ads in the past and think that they don’t work for your business? Maybe you tried running them by yourself with limited knowledge and just burned through your budgets like crazy with little to no sales or leads?

We focus on building your campaigns around profitability rather than by the number of clicks. We focus on standing out in the crowded ads space and converting browsers into leads and sales through our optimised landing pages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising means you only pay for an ad once someone has clicked on it. There are other types of Google ads models, such as Cost Per Impression, where you pay every time your ad is seen by someone. PPC Ads or Google ads are usually found near the top of the search page on Google. They have small ‘AD’ text next to the listing.

When setting up your Google Ads Campaign, The Weblab will determine your daily spending limit based on your monthly budget for your Google Ads Campaign. To find out your monthly budget you would multiply your daily budget by 30.4, if you would like calculate your daily budget, you would divide your monthly budget by 30.4.

Every business is different with different levels of online competition. To prepare your business for advertising on Google, we do online research to calculate your perfect Google Ads budget.

Google will never over spend your monthly budget. They will occasionally go over your daily budget due to them adding more budget to days they deem more popular. This will even out over the month and will not exceed your monthly budget.

We create ads for Google search, display and shopping.

Search Network Ads
Shows on the Google search results page in text format.

Shopping Ads
Are ads that link directly to your products on your website, these ads are used to display products from a eCommerce store.

Display Network Ads
Shows on the websites/apps that your customers visit, usually in an image format.

Indeed, we’re here for you!

So what are you waiting for?

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